The Musical Score - Brian Lambert

Brian Lambert |

Brian Lambert with Director Paul Davids |

Brian Lambert with Edward Martin |
Director Paul Davids takes great pride in his discovery of the musical talents of Brian Thomas Lambert. Brian did some work for Paul unrelated to music in 2002, and having heard of Paul's films "ROSWELL" and "STARRY NIGHT," he asked if he could leave a demo of his music. One year later he received a phone call. Paul explained that he was working on a film called "THE SCI-FI BOYS" and he was looking for a song for the opening credits. He liked one of Brian's songs, called "MOODY" and wanted to know if he could use it. Brian agreed. Oddly, as things worked out, that song was not used for the title song in the final version of the movie, but Paul ended up using three Brian Lambert songs in the film and enlisted Brian to compose the score for the entire movie. The score truly helped unify the diverse elements of the film and was much appreciated by sci-fi fans who "adopted" the movie. Later those same international sci-fi fans voted the Rondo Award for that film as the Best Independent Genre Film of 2006, and the Academy of Science-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror voted it Best DVD of 2006, too. In that it dealt with how Hollywood interprets aliens in space movies, the International UFO Congress even climbed aboard and voted the film three separate EBE Awards to honor it (...those are "Extraterrestrial Biological Entity Awards," for those not "in the know.")
When Paul Davids began JESUS IN INDIA he wondered whether Brian's taste and style in music could bridge the gap between the kinds of songs and compositions Brian had done before and music that would convey both the sacred sensibilities of the Christian western world and the mystical lyricism of the Hindu world of India and the Buddhist influences in the Himalayas. This is where fate truly intervened. Paul Davids and Brian Thomas Lambert happened to live about one mile apart from one another, and very close to the spiritual center of Indian sage Paramahansa Yogananda atop Mount Washington in Los Angeles. Paul had discovered the writings and teachings of Yogananda when still in college at Princeton University. When he learned that Brian Lambert was a serious student of the works and teachings of Yogananda and frequently visited the Mount Washington center to join the monks and nuns there in meditation, he knew he had to give Brian Lambert a chance with JESUS IN INDIA. "I feel the results were extraordinary," Paul says. "Brian delivered a music score that is memorable and incredibly moving. It sweeps through the entire film, from beginning to end, threading together all the themes while providing a musical lyricism that suggests three great religions: Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. Brian and I look forward to continuing our working relationship on future films."
Brian Lambert has also provided a soundtrack for the official website of the film. Its a compilation of cues from the movie and lasts just under 6 minutes. |
Brian has this to say about his work: "Scoring is very personal. I internalize the vision of the Director to give emotional credibility to characters and rhythm to the story arc. I rely on melody, and I try to personalize moments and characters with poignant melody and harmony. A feature film can be compared to the situation of passengers aboard a boat at sea. The passengers interact with one another, live their lives, and their stories unfold. But the music is the water that carries them to their destination."